"Waterfall", short fictional piece, 2023
“Waterfall” translates to “Vattenfall” in Swedish and takes place in a near future in which the Swedish state-owned and multinational power company has turned their largest offshore wind farm in the district of Oresund into an artists’ residency. Stuck in a fish tank-like structure with frozen propellors, the protagonist of “Waterfall” seems as haunted by the ghosts of the company and her own research into a wind cult in the area. This short fictional piece was published on occasion of the exhibition “spelling the wind without words” at Skånes Konstförening in Malmö, between February 24 and April 2, 2023.
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“Before I arrived, I knew I had left something behind. This sensation grew larger everyday, contributing to a strong sense of dislocation. I felt blindfolded. Or, as if I had signed a contract with my eyes closed; remembering the gesture embodied by this action but having lost the intention of it. At the very same time I felt more grounded than ever before, pulled by strange occurrences such as the mysterious blue light that would appear each evening around midnight. No source, only the sky as a projection canvas. But the short days with natural light turned me into a coffee addict, unable either to nap or properly rest. With a bare gap between myself and the ground I was hovering a few centimeters above it. Not quite landing, not even close to flying. I guess swimming, like a lonesome fish in a tight aquarium, filled with water from morning to night. Everytime I started questioning the meta-level of things I was led into a performative mode of shadowboxing, trapped in a choreography, battling the invisible. Or perhaps I was just sparring with a silhouette of my own projections?”
Design: Anna Sagström
Proof read: Nikhil Vettukattil

Photo: Lena Bergendahl