“The Dreamer and The Doer”, Clearview, London, 2018
Performance as part of °c, Clearview.ltd in London – a one evening event which will start with the lighting of a large stack of wood at the front of clearview, alongside works displayed both inside and outside the space - and some in between -. Readings, performances and screenings will punctuate the evening as people are invited to cook their own food using the fire. The fire also acts as the nexus for the works on display, dealing with transformation and decay, heat and love, excess and environment. The evening ends once the fire burns out.
With Jaana-Kristiina Alakoski, Cudelice Brazelto, Christophe De Rohan Chabot, Àngels Díaz Miralda Tena, Ion Dumitresc, Mati Jhurry & Nilz Källgren, Isaac Lythgoe, Anna McMaho, Santiago Mostyn, Alex Pain, Mathias Pfund, Matilda Tjäder and Dominique White.
Performance as part of the Wishing for More-cycle
Clothes by Helena Manzano
Sound in collaboration with Daniel Tjäder

“Zone Four also known as the invisible escape room. I’ve decorated it walls with poetry handwritten with petroleum. A yellow-black liqui extracted from geological formations beneath the Earth. Buried underneath sedimentary rock I offer pure plot with long lasting effect. Placing you in a physical space of unwritten rules and diagrammatical surprises. Search for your identity whilst you become more invested in fully depleting it for a greater deed.
Remind me your name? Here, I’ll light the cigarette for you. Me? I don’t smoke. But I’ll watch. I’ll watch the room slowly filling up with smoke. Waltzing alongside the walls. This is a crime scene in which petroleum plays the villain, humans the self-acclaimed victims.
Unless you break the fourth wall.”