“Alex”, SHELL LIKE @ LUX, London, 2018
Sound piece “Alex” as part of SHELL LIKE‘s hour long program at LUX, London, 2018.

Writers Jennifer Boyd and Amy Pettifer (SHELL LIKE) present an hour-long programme of listening, featuring newly commissioned and existing audio works by UK-based and international artists and writers: Ain Bailey, Samira Saidi, Penny Goring, Mikatsiu (Mika Hayashi Ebbesen), Matilda Tjäder, Madeleine Stack and Amy Pettifer.
This programme engages with the notion of ‘cruel summer’ as an altered state of psychedelic resistance. A space of aspiration, idealism and augmented libido in which rebellion against normality seems possible, even as it pushes at the boundaries of what is sensible, safe and known. Sited very much in the city and in the mind, with voices speaking both ‘in heat’ and from the shade, it encompasses concrete and sweat, mould and crowds, proximity and precipice, commingling with languid self-touch - potential as a cool breeze either ignored or taken between the teeth.